Picking up where we left off: Community-based Care Coordination

It’s hard to believe 9 months have passed since we announced the discontinuation of our Pathways HUB pilot. We learned a lot about what it takes to stand up and resource a very specific model. We learned from challenges around referral processes. We were reminded that nothing is as easy as “plug and play”.

Since March, Action Health Partners has worked hard to ramp down the Pathways HUB pilot, including connecting clients to other services if they needed support beyond June. After assisting our public health partners with the COVID response, NCACH pivoted back to exploring alternate strategies to support and strengthen community-based care coordination across our region. Conversations with regional partners, including other ACHs and MCOs, shaped our operating definition of Community-Based Care Coordination, as well as new objectives outlined in our formal project plan modification. The great news is that the Health Care Authority approved our proposed direction at the end of November!

We appreciate the HCA for understanding our circumstances and the importance of local flexibility and discretion.NCACH is excited for the work ahead! One of our approaches will focus on working with community partners to strengthen the evidence-based Health Home program in our region. Why? Because it is the Health Care Authority’s (HCA) chosen community‐based care coordination program for high‐risk Medicaid beneficiaries, and has a proven track record and established payment mechanisms.

The other approach will focus on investing in building blocks that can support broader care coordination efforts regardless of the target population, model, and payer. Why? Because there are many amazing people and programs addressing care coordination needs across Grant, Okanogan, Chelan and Douglas Counties.

We look forward to highlighting stories about local community-based care coordination programs. If you didn’t get a chance to join our Health Home Demystified event in September, check out the recording and resources here. With a shared understanding of how various programs are different and complementary, we can dig into how to make cross-referrals, how to work together across agencies, and how to be strategic with our collective resources. If we do this right, we will have a stronger and more cohesive network of partners responding to the needs of North Central residents. Let the collaborative work continue!


NCACH releases a Request for Proposals for telehealth infrastructure and access planning in North Central Washington


NCACH awards $779,800 to projects to improve health in North Central Washington through community investment process