Our Framework: The Vital Conditions.
In times of crisis, urgent services like emergency departments, food banks, and addiction treatment programs are a crucial part of the solution. But urgent services can’t by themselves produce health and wellbeing. For that, we need to build up the vital conditions, a model that addresses the root causes keeping our communities from thriving.
Each vital condition is connected.
When vital conditions decline, it drives demand for urgent services. Thriving Together NCW recognizes that we can’t wait until people are in crisis; we need to work upstream. By strengthening the vital conditions, we can help people avoid crises and lead their best possible lives.
The Vital Conditions framework allows us to do that in a strategic way. By investing in systems and solutions that focus on the source of the issue, we are actively moving toward a future that promotes thriving conditions for all.
Latest Reports
Browse our collection of recent reports for each vital condition in North Central Washington.
Thriving Together NCW uses IP3 ASSESS, a web-based data solution designed and built for changemakers using data to advance equitable wellbeing in communities around the Nation. To gain access to our complete list of reports on IP3, please fill out the contact form below and a Thriving Together NCW staff member will follow up with you.

Thriving Together NCW’s Data Staff Support Lead:
Sara Bates
Director of Community Data