Our Blog
Thriving Together NCW is building a healthier region together.
Not one individual or organization alone can solve the complex health issues in our region which is why we work with a network of partners toward one universal goal: All people and places in North Central Washington thriving together - no exceptions.
Building skills and networks in 2022 with our regional recovery coaches
One of the key activities that NCACH is doing throughout 2022 is hosting or co-sponsoring workshops and skills-based trainings to further expand what our network of organizations can do to improve regional health.
Narcan Machines Now Operating in Wenatchee, Moses Lake
Vending machines are now operating as a new resource to help promote harm reduction and save lives at sites in Wenatchee and Moses Lake.
Harm reduction vending machines coming soon to region
With support from Beacon Health Options and the North Central Accountable Community of Health, two naloxone (commonly distributed as Narcan®) vending machines will be funded and placed in Chelan and Grant counties starting Summer 2021. The goal: reducing opioid overdose deaths in the region.
Advancing whole person health through a recovery lens
While the world has undoubtedly been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, another epidemic continues to kill Americans: opioid drug overdoses. According to the Centers for Disease Control, overdose deaths have accelerated in the United States since the onset of the pandemic.