Request for Proposals released - School-Based Opioid Prevention
North Central Accountable Community of Health (NCACH) has released a request for proposal (RFP) to obtain proposals from qualified agencies interested in working with NCACH on the Opioid Use Public Health Crisis project, specifically addressing school-based opioid prevention, in Chelan, Douglas, Grant, and Okanogan Counties.The primary objectives of this project are:1. Assess current school-based opioid prevention efforts currently happening in all school districts and community colleges in the NCACH region.2. Develop a comprehensive 2020-2021 School-based Opioid Prevention Project Plan, timeline, and associated budget for the NCACH region.3. Support student led prevention efforts within the schools.The project period is August 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019. Anticipated total available funding is $60,000. Each award is an up to maximum of $20,000. It is anticipated that NCACH will make three awards. The three awards will be for organizations located in and serving three distinct geographic locations, they are:
- An applicant located in and serving Grant County
- An applicant located in and serving Okanogan County
- An applicant located in Chelan or Douglas Counties and serving Chelan and Douglas Counties
It is anticipated that additional funding will be available in future years to successful applicants through a non-competitive application process for the implementation of the 2020-2021 School-Based Opioid Prevention Project Plan. More information will be made available to successful applicants during the award period.