NCACH earns 100% of project funds from Health Care Authority

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- February 16, 2018

State Funds North Central ACH's Transformation Plan

East Wenatchee, WA -- The North Central Accountable Community of Health (NCACH) was notified that our project plan for the Healthier Washington Medicaid Transformation Delivery System Reform had met or exceeded the criteria in all sub-sections and projects, receiving 100 percent of total possible points. In other words, the NCACH has received 100 percent of eligible project funds for the North Central region, as well as a bonus incentive for selecting six projects to implement.The project plan is our roadmap to improving healthcare in North Central Washington. Submitted to the Health Care Authority (HCA) in November 2016, the preliminary plan details our six selected projects, the data that supports the selection of each project, and the metrics we will use to hold ourselves and our partnering providers accountable to the transformation reform. Receiving our scores and results from the Health Care Authority is a huge milestone for the NCACH, and sets us up to enter the next stage of the Medicaid Transformation: project implementation.NCACH's six projects are:

  1. Bi-directional Integration of Behavioral and Physical Health Care
  2. Community-based Care Coordination
  3. Transitional Care
  4. Diversion Interventions
  5. Addressing the Opioid Use Crisis
  6. Chronic Disease Prevention and Control

The Transformation funds will be used to fund healthcare system projects with direct impact in communities across Chelan, Douglas, Grant and Okanogan counties. Projects will be carried out by local providers, community services, agencies, and groups with infrastructural and financial support from the Transformation funds and the NCACH.Interested partners and community groups will be able to apply for project implementation funding as early as June of this year, with more information about applications, funding, and eligibility criteria to be shared at our 2018 Annual Summit on April 20th. A huge 'thank you' to all of our partners, providers, leaders, and community members who contributed to the preliminary plan, and are who actively working to improve healthcare in the North Central Region   

North Central Accountable Community Health is one of the nine accountable communities of health in Washington State working to improve health and health equity. Learn more:[embed][/embed]
Shared with permission from our partners in health, the Washington State Health Care Authority



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